Someone once said that we are the colorful pieces of life’s puzzle. At Dewey, each member of 12Madrid is a unique piece with their own shape, color, and “essence.” This is Huyen Anh, the energetic little girl who always brings positive energy to everyone. This is Ha Anh, who relentlessly pursues her passions with the belief that “nothing is impossible.” This is Hoang Bach, the artist at heart who always shines and gives his all on stage.
Twenty-three personalities, twenty-three colors, and twenty-three distinct pieces of 12Madrid have blended together to create a harmonious, multi-colored whole. It is the red of passion and enthusiasm, the blue of faith and hope, and the pure white of student innocence. Together, 12Madrid has painted a vibrant youth filled with memorable experiences at The Dewey Schools.
Each individual is a unique entity with their own strengths and potential. As you journey into the future, may you always maintain your own distinctive “essence” and respect the different colors of others. Strive to become the versions of yourselves that you aspire to be, proud pieces of The Dewey Schools.
Though your journey at Dewey concludes, it also marks the beginning, the “touchpoint” of a bright future filled with new successes and opportunities. Regardless of the paths you choose, always hold on to your faith and enthusiasm. Bring the vibrant colors of your passions and aspirations to paint a brighter tomorrow.