Students are able to immerse themselves in countless experiences and confidently identify their strengths, interests and passions. Students have the opportunity to widen their knowledge in various life aspects and develop their 21st-century skills. The most fascinating part is interclub activities where students would not only work in separate clubs but also collaborate to learn and contribute to the community with positive values. For example, if a product is made by the Invention club, the Marketing – Communication & Journalism will report and develop an advertising strategy about that product, then the Visual Arts Club will design a poster for the product, and the Career – Start-up Club will sell the product to raise charity. Besides, students can participate in meaningful contests or initiatives such as: Donating books to build libraries, reading activities, performing plays for disadvantaged children, etc.
Academic clubs
Debate, Reading, Invention, Japanese, IELTS Speaking, Math Olympiad, etc.

Skills clubs
Marketing – Communication & Journalism, Career Orientation – Start-up, Coding, Multimedia, Gardening, etc.

Arts clubs
Modern Dance, Drama, Latin Dance, Piano, Vocal Music, Guitar, etc.

Sports clubs
Football, Basketball, Taekwondo, Badminton, Yoga, Chess, etc.