Revealing the 2024 specialized committees of the Dewey Tay Ho Tay Student Council

HomeTay Ho Tay Campus • Revealing the 2024 specialized committees of the Dewey Tay Ho Tay Student Council
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The 2024 school year marks the impressive debut of the Student Council (DSC) at The Dewey Schools Tay Ho Tay, featuring three key departments: the Operations Department, the Finance Department, and the Communications Department, along with three Student Ambassador Committees: Academics, Arts, and Sports.




Each committee plays a vital role, representing different aspects of student life at TDS. The Academic Committee leads and organizes learning activities, fostering a passion for knowledge and creativity. The Arts Committee is where students can ignite their passion and artistic talents. The Sports Committee is responsible for connecting sports activities, promoting health, and enhancing team spirit.





Additionally, the Operations, Finance, and Communications departments will play crucial roles in supporting event organization, management, and ensuring that all activities are effectively communicated and spread throughout the TDS community. These core teams will be instrumental in contributing to a successful and exciting new school year.



The members of the specialized departments are carefully selected from students in grades 8 to 11 through two rounds: an application review and an interview, based on criteria such as good conduct, a GPA of above 7.0 (for the Bilingual Program) and above 3.0 (for the Adventure Program), a passion for the department they apply to, and a desire to contribute to the Dewey student community.

With the close connection between the DSC and students, we hope that The Dewey Schools will become an ideal learning and experiential environment for all. Wishing everyone a rewarding term full of memorable experiences!



The DSC (Dewey Student Council) is a student organization established to represent the students at the school and to help TDSers voice their opinions and participate in school activities. The goal of the DSC is to create an open space for students to engage more deeply in the educational and cultural activities of the school, thereby enhancing their abilities and skills.

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