Differentiated Instruction: The look for of Dewey for the 2024-2025 school year

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Each year, The Dewey Schools determine the look for the new school year to create a high-quality educational environment where students are at the center of learning activities and are prepared to take control of their future.

Aligned with the philosophy and experiential education methods, the look-for for the 2024-2025 school year at The Dewey Schools is identified as DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION.


This is a systematic approach to planning and organizing instruction to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of Students, ensuring that all students have access to the curriculum content.

A differentiated classroom is not about “tailoring the same suit,” but rather about Teachers customizing the learning content by continuously monitoring and assessing Students’ progress, designing lessons, and flexibly employing suitable teaching methods based on Students’ characteristics, including readiness levels, interests, and learning profiles.

Differentiated instruction at The Dewey Schools can be observed through the following specific indicators and assessment criteria:

1. Knowing and valuing Students’ differences 

2. Setting instructional outcomes

3. Using resources effectively

4. Planning and organizing diverse learning activities 

5. Designing and analyzing assessments

6. Organizing safe and flexible spaces for learning

7. Responding flexibly to Student needs 

8. Growing and developing professionally.

Differentiated instruction is applied in all teaching activities at The Dewey Schools. One of the most evident manifestations of this approach is the organization of classroom learning activities. For instance, in a Literature Vietnamese lesson with an assignment to analyze a literary work, the teacher might provide different sets of comprehension questions and create small groups of Students with varying skill levels to discuss and analyze the work together. Students are also guided to choose a format that suits their abilities and preferences to demonstrate their understanding of the work, such as writing essays, creating infographics, or making films. By applying differentiated instruction, TDSers (The Dewey School students) are able to engage with literary works in a way that aligns with their capabilities, preventing them from feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information or tasks, or from becoming bored with their studies. This approach helps them better understand the content and significance of the works while also developing their analytical skills and literary appreciation abilities.

In connection with the theme of the academic year, “Beyond the Blueprint: Mapping Your Own Way,” the look fors on differentiated instruction emphasizes empowering students and fostering a sense of self-directed learning and accountability for their education. At the same time, teachers at Dewey Schools continuously support and actively adjust their teaching methods to achieve the highest effectiveness, tailoring them to the unique personalities, interests, abilities, and learning styles of each TDSer.

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